Tina Day novels are intended for Teen-and-Up Audiences.  

WARNING: Be prepared to travel into the world of the supernatural, where light and dark intertwine with the sweetness of first love…


Watching: The First Novel in the Watching Trilogy

Abby doesn’t have high hopes when she enters the psychic parlor, even though she truly wants the séance to work.  She believes in the existence of ghosts, although she never expects to find a real one – especially not one who walks, talks, and breathes.  Nathaniel’s spirit defies everything she knows, bringing her joy in ways she can barely comprehend, but also raising unrelenting questions. 


Abby wants to know where Nathaniel came from and why he’s here.  She wants to know why she’s the only living person who can see him.  Most of all, she wants to know if he can answer the question that brought her into the psychic parlor in the first place, because it could be a case of life and death – her own.


Wanting: The Second Novel in the Watching Trilogy

Abby has wonderful friends, a good home, and the best boyfriend she could ever want.  And even though her friends have some problems, and her home isn’t the most stable, and her boyfriend Nathaniel isn’t technically alive, she’s happier than she’s been in a very long time.  She doesn’t want anything to destroy her peace – especially not Jonathan Fitzhugh.


Jon exists in the same unearthly world as Nathaniel, but the two spirits in Abby’s life couldn’t be more different.  Jon accosts her with his oil-slick eyes and burning skin, reading her mind and luring her into his.  She fears Jon’s friendship almost as much as she fears his offer to help her find out what happened the night her mother died.  It’s a temptation Abby doesn’t know if she can resist, even if it means dancing with the devil himself.

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